california paintings: Ocean and hills
In May of 2015, I moved to the California Bay Area. This series of paintings represent a new place for me, hence they are about the first impression. In each place I go, I find special places. Places I continue to go back to. Point Reyes National Seashore has become one of those places for me. It was the first place and remains the place that has most captured my imagining out here. Many weekends I head out toward the peninsula. It began as hiking, then I started painting. This series of paintings is done from life, with a thick palette knife. Often I’ll strap the easel on my back and walk a mile or two down the trail or to the beach, then set up and paint. I like to paint as the light is expiring, it forces me to work quick. These paintings are about existing in the moment. The result is gestural paintings that explore the colors and movement of the place.