This series of work was created while in Indiana. I was on the hunt for places where the land and sky met, with no trees in between. In places with mountains and hills this condition is commonplace. In Indiana, you have to look. They are usually man-made places. Damns, landfills, gravel pits. Places not know for beauty. But when you strip away the context and the connotations, these places are beautiful topographic wonders. These paintings find the beauty before us, that we didn’t see.

rare topographic wonder
a hilly soybean field
land meets the sky

rare topographic wonder
a gravel pit
land meets sky

rare topographic wonder
a pit of gravel
land meets the sky

rare topographic wonder
a landfill in spring time
land meets sky

rare topographic wonder
a landfill in winter
land meets sky

rare topographic wonder
a landfill at night
land meets sky

rare topographic wonder
a damn piled with rocks
land meets sky

rare topographic wonder
a damn heaving with grass
land meets sky

At 5’ x 8’ this is the largest painting I have done (and much larger than any other piece in this series). It was of the Salomonie Reservoir Damn. I would often go for runs out there, and would run straight up the damn. It was a gigantic wall of seemingly vertical green grass. I found it both beautiful and daunting. I contemplated on its size and subtlety.

The bean field