GDX Automotive: Demolition
I have long been interested in industrial sites. Growing up in Indiana, every town had a factory. Today most of these factories are shut down. But their footprint leaves a deep mark on the land. In 2010 I did a series of work called Monuments which was an in depth study of three factories near my home that were shuttered. After completing this exhibit I was living in Wabash, Indiana, and the decision was made to remove the old GDX Automotive factory. I decided to grab my paint and document the demolition. What I was painting was constantly moving, literally being torn down. I wanted to capture this crumbling movement in a few bold brush strokes.
concrete crumbling
crane tugging
it all falls down
A lone wall
guarding nothing
stand alone
tall proud
a testament to what once was
a pile of rubble
the end of a lifetime
gurop, gurop, gurop
crash, crash, crash
sksh, sksh, sksh
the wall is big
I’ll just pull out one thing
it all falls down
working together
the work will go fast
Let’s get this thing down
who else will challenge us?
no one?
the field has been cleared
Maybe I could keep this
this could be useful
no one will care

the last pile
sits there